This blog has been created by our group members atik, ecah, fiza, husna, and arina. "We love Malaysia" is our slogan for this blog. In this blog, we try our very best to give people most information about interesting places in Malaysia. This blog also include the map for drivers, and also colourful picture , with some information about the places as the guildelines for the travelers. we as Malaysians should be proud because Malaysia have everything to explore, something exciting to learn about Malaysia. So, Malaysia is always advancing and growing just like most people said,.....

Whatever your destination is, if you intend to travel to Asia, Malaysia is a must on your itinerary. From a day shopping trip in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia to even a week down at the East exploring the wonders of nature are all the fascinating adventure you can find in Malaysia.Today, the country has become a second home to many visitors.You can either choose to get away from the hot sun into the highlands or a summer vacation down at one of the World's best beaches enjoying the crystal clear blue sea. Malaysia is truly a place full of funs and excitements for everyone.


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